Three Ways To Use Your Car For Passive Income

If you just bought a beautiful new car, you may be proud of everything except the not so beautiful payments. Car payments for desirable or luxury vehicles can be near a rent or mortgage payment for most people. In order to ease some of the burden of the payment, you can use your car to help pay for itself. If you are in need of a little passive dough for your car payments, here are some ways to use your car to pay it off. 

Offer to advertise for others

A nice looking car always attracts attention, whether it is on the road or in the parking lot. Offer to advertise for businesses through a custom car magnet. If you want to advertise yourself to newer companies, you can offer to get the magnet made yourself, in order to cut down on their marketing costs. You can advertise in tandem for more than one company at a time in order to increase your income from advertising. Be sure to keep the advertisements and car classy to attract the most attention. 

Offer the car up for photo shoots

Some photo shoots and film shots require the use of certain cars. To make some extra money, offer up your car for photo shoots. Some models may use upscale cars for shots if they do not have their own. When movies are filming and have parking lot or road scenes, they may need to have cars and their drivers volunteer to be a part of the shoot for extra income. With a clean, upscale car, you increase the odds of your car being chosen for photo shoots. In order to find out about jobs like this, put up a profile of your car on modeling and acting job websites, just like models and actors sign themselves up for profiles. 

Take stock photos

Stock photographs are one of the least used, but useful ways to make money. Stock photographs are a set of photographs that can have the licensing sold to a number of people and companies. From there, the companies can edit the photos to suit their needs. Have a professional photographer take stock photos or take the photographs yourself if you have good camera quality. Shop around for stock photo sales companies of offer the photographs via sales websites as a stock package. The photos can be sold more than once, making them easy money makers in the long run. 

To learn more, contact a company like ARC Marketing. 
